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Artist Statement

Nature Photographer

M I T S U H I K O   K A M A D A

<Artist Statement>
Scenery as if seen in a "dream" somewhere

With the theme of how far away the fantasy scenery can be shot without processing, the shooting concept is the following two points.
①    "Painting-like" works that focus on depicting textures like Japanese paintings and fantasy scenes reminiscent of picture books.
  ②  Harmonious and artistic beauty in nature.Based on this concept, I am conscious that the entire work is woven with the unique "light" of Hokkaido's natural scenery.


Psychological Landscape




①   日本画のような質感描写、絵本を思わせるファンタジーな情景描写にこだわった「絵画のような」作品。

②   自然の中にある、調和の取れたアートな造形。


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